Vets One
Vets One is here to help your pet stay happy and healthy. We offer a wide range of premium products that satisfy you pets and farm livestocks
B-BOOST paste contains B group vitamins are essential for the conversion of chemical energy that occurs within the muscle fibres. Under grazing conditions, a horse’s daily requirement of B vitamins is produced by the micro-organisms in its large intestine. Horses in training benefit from B vitamin supplementation for several reasons;
(1) The production of ATP increases with exercise, therefore, so does the vitamin B requirement.
(2) Digestion of high grain diets leads to a fall in the pH of the large intestine which in turn alters the micro flora population. The result is a net decrease in B vitamin production.
(3) Studies have shown that supplementing Vitamin B1 (Thiamine) in the diet, has the effect of reducing post exercise lactic acid levels.
B BOOST paste contains high levels of all the essential B group vitamins in one single oral dose syringe. It also contains Betaine, which is converted to dimethylglycine in the liver. DMG reduces lactic acid build up during strenuous exercise. B BOOST should be administered 12 to 24 hours prior to competition or on a regular basis if poor appetite is a problem. B BOOST contains no prohibited substances so is safe to use prior to competition.
1500mg Betaine
180mg Vitamin B1
180mg Vitamin B2
500mg Vitamin B3
150mg Vitamin B6
1500mg Vitamin B12
150mg Folic Acid
750mg Inositol